Storms rattled us last night
Last night was a hoot. Although it didn't get too bad right here, all around us was panedmonium and chaos. There were reports of baseball sized hail, almost 80 tornados, and trains even derailed with 110 mile an hour winds.
It was scary, but at the same time, it wasn't. The worst we got in our city was rain. But when I watched the weather channel this morning, the path of the tornados went right over the top of us. In fact, at one point there was a clear line of counties all under tornado warnings from the left to the right of the screen, excluding about three counties- one of which we were in.
The storm actually formed a circle around our town, as some of it was coming from the north, and some of it from the south. Traff has a theory that it may be due to the pollution- we are the most polluted area in this part of the midwest. Anyone have any theory as to why most storms miss us?
You don't know from fun.