Originally posted by Liquor Dealer
"What I want to know is, what are you doing on the "World Socialist Web Site"?"
It is common knowledge he had cancelled this trip but I had a problem finding a source - In this instance, as in all, someone would have asked for a link and believe it or not - at that tme that was all google came up with for - Canada - May 5 - Bush.
he he he.
www.globeandmail.com It is our national newpaper, well respected, fairly unbiased though slightly conservative. If you want liberal try
www.torontostar.ca or right wing
The Globe and Mail had some interesting columns on how Bush has demonstrated his lack of statemanship in his decision, and on how this demonstrates his attitude toward Canada.
One guy had an interesting point, the rebuilding of Iraq is going to cost billions, and Bush, if he was smart, would have pressured Canada to contribute more towards that out of our budget surplus (Unlike the American massive deficits due to Bush league economics.)
47 people out of 31 million, boy, there's a representative cross section.