Holy fuck,
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic was a fucking fantastic game. I finally got time to play through it these past few weeks (I had to work sometimes, too, or that would have read "past few days"), and I practically cried at the end because it was so good.
I made an effort to play through entirely as a light jedi the first time around, and now I'm very much looking forward to replaying it as a dark jedi.
The plot and gameplay were nearly seamlessly integrated, and overall I thought the game was just incredibly well realized. I can say in all honesty that it's one of the best role playing games I've ever played. It had so many good things going for it, and so very few bad (in fact, in my afterglow of beating it I can't really think of the bad, though I know there were a few...). For any of you that haven't yet played it, I highly recommend doing so. And now I don't know if I'm going to be able to wait for the second one. Shit.
Alright, I'm done. Whew.