Personally I really liked the ending... why wrap it up neatly and put a bow on it... The fight continues...
It left me wanting more. It also leaves the door wide open for potential Angel TV Movies or Feature films.
Wesley's death was handled well. While I was sad to see him die, I did feel it was getting to the point where his character either needed to die or become evil... he was becoming just a little too morose and gloomy.
Lorne's final act was powerful. All I kept thinking was, poor Lorne, it just was so against who he is to do what he ultimately had to do. It made it clear why he said he'd not be returning so don't look for him... Watch for Lorne in the movies!
Linday's death was perfect and unexpected... and who better to deliver the blow...
Angel signing away his rights to the Shanshu... nice touch. Committment and sacrifice all added to the mix. Not that I'd want to be human if I was him... no more ass kicking. What would he do, become a 9-5er?
If they do make a movie, they are going to have to find a new boffin. With Wes, Fred and Cordy gone there is noone left to do magic, research, etc... That said, what they've got left - Angel, Spike, Gunn and Ilyria - can kick some major ass...
The only real complain I have is that the whole let's kill the circle story arc felt a little rushed. I am sure the season was planned to go this way (perhaps minus Wesley's death) all along but I just felt story's arc could have used one or two more episodes to let it breathe a little. As it stands it was a two episode arc.
Personally, I want the dragon...
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke
Last edited by Charlatan; 05-20-2004 at 08:45 AM..