Originally posted by tecoyah
[B]Why are we even pretending to give power to these people?
Because the handover of power is very important to the Bush re-election campaign. I'm not saying that as a Bush criticism, just an observation.
How long will we "OWN" this country?
Well, the fact that we are shifting some of the 30,000 troops stationed in Korea to Iraq should give you some sort of feel for the timeline. The Korean War started in 1950.
When will the costs (human and monetary) , out-weigh the percieved benefits?
That's a trick question for me. The costs outweighed the benefits, in my opinion, the day we defied the U.N. and decided to go to Iraq against U.N. wishes.
How can we expect to instill democracy in Iraq, if we fail to practice it ourselves?
Exactly. Also: you can't eliminate torture by practicing torture. In Israel, you can't eliminate hatred by hating. Why are these things so hard to understand? Lao Tzu said it 3,500 years ago. Jesus said it 2,000 years ago. Mohammed said much the same.