Angel - Series Finale *spoilers inevitible*
Well, I just finished watching the series finale! Afterwards there is a little snippet with a collage of scenes of Angel, together with a "Thank you, from The WB" which made me laugh.
Spoiler: I wasn't incredible impressed with this episode. It was nice to see everyone come together one final time (but where was Buffy?!) and Lorne definitely showed a change of character, but the ending was awful. Throughout the last few episodes Aleria has become my favorite character, and it's good that she had a large role in the finale, particularly with Wesley's death. I just wish they had done a better job of tying up the loose ends in the last few minutes -- showing a thousand demons and the survivors of the Black Thorn-assassination squad right before going to black is intentionally lame and a cop-out. Shame on you Joss!
seretogis - sieg heil
perfect little dream the kind that hurts the most, forgot how it feels well almost
no one to blame always the same, open my eyes wake up in flames