I'm not sure if this is taking things in a different direction or not, but it seems that many are looking at this as though we were put here by an alien race. I wouldn't be surprised at all if something stumbled across us and was observing us. We didn't create bacteria - we just found some and starting throwing crap in the petri dish and watching through a microscope. I find it somewhat less probable about the flies and mosquitos - sounds a little too close to Earth:Final Conflict to me. I have thought before that for most people, our paths on a daily basis could probably be described with something very similar to Schroedinger's Equation (sp?). Get up, shower, go to work, eat lunch, go back to work, come home, watch t.v., go to sleep, etc. And then you've got the whacky ones that move around a lot, but you could nip that with statistics.
I think these kinds of ideas are interesting, but aside from being interesting mind exercises I don't see any point in spending too much time on them until we make contact. Unless you want to write sci-fi books. Then it might behoove you to dwell on this for a really long time.
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style