Originally posted by dude with a penis
Ok, so here's the routine. I start by caressing her all over, teasing a little, ribbing my nails up and up an down her skin, her back, etc...then I tease her nipples and suck them...kissing her and her neck in between...I may be on top of her at this point just rubbing my cock againt her....
Routine is bad -- vary the routine. Are there kids around? While you are sitting in the living room, rub her shoulders, rub her feet. Washing dishes -- sneak up behind her? Go out for a walk, and get frisky -- VARY your performance.
Originally posted by dude with a penis
we use condoms because she does not do well with the pill and I haven't gotten tid off yet!!
Is her problem, or your problem fear of getting pregnant? That affects a lot of people, performance wise. What's stopping you from getting a vasectomy?
Originally posted by dude with a penis
Why won't she let me eat her longer until she cumms.
It's called communication. ASK HER!
Originally posted by dude with a penis
She has become failry conservative but she must be frustrated by not cumming??
Don't make assumptions, you don't know what's in her head. Ask her.
Originally posted by dude with a penis
I want to please her but I think she is more about getting it over with. Maybe because I always cumm too quickly??
Originally posted by dude with a penis
I went out and purchased some condoms with desensitizing lubricant and used those the other day...boy did they work...
So something changed but you didn't tell her until she realized something changed, have you not talked to her about your feelings about premature ejaculation?
Originally posted by dude with a penis
..she obviously wasn't enjoing it much!!
There you go, making assumptions.
Originally posted by dude with a penis
So, we talked and she said she felt like she wasn't turning me on , etc and that it never took me that long to cumm....I told her about the condoms and she felt better but I didn't!! Obviously she doesn't much enjoy the actual intercourse part.
Did she come out and say she didn't enjoy it? I doubt it - -Don't read into what she's saying -- just listen to her feelings.
Originally posted by dude with a penisHelp, I am frustrated!! Is she cheating? Can she actually be happy not having an orgasm at all?" [/B]
I understand the frustration, but why automatically go to the worst, that she's cheating. Communication -- actively listening to each other - and probably not whilst you are in the middle of the act are what might get you back on course.
Ask her how she feels -
You didn't mention your wife's age - a woman's body is different at age 34, than it was at 24, the things that turned her on then, might be different now.
Whether she has an orgasm or not is not a reflection on your performance , people are responsible for their own orgasms, if you aren't doing something that she wants, it's up to her to tell you. Relax and just TALK!!!