Grondar: You should use enough weight to be a little tired by the end of the sets. If 15 reps is "easy", you need more weight, and if after 15 reps you feel intense pain (more than just the day after soreness) you probably used too much.
Just start a little low, and build up until it feels "right". I usually get a friend that has more experience to help me find a good weight to use.
Whatever you do, don't try to use more weight than you're ready for. It's much, much better to use too little weight than too much. Focus on your form, and since the idea is toning and not bulking, shoot for lower weights.
If you're not sure, ask someone at the gym (but not while they're in the middle of a set or anything).
edit: And yes, each time you perform the workout, you'll be doing the 3 triads 2-3 times. Go all the way through the three triads, then repeat. Don't do an excercise, take a break, then do it again.
It's a fairly easy program to stick with and it's absolutely great!
it's all about self-indulgence