You paid for a professional job, you should DEMAND professional results. Their is no way you have to accept this bullshit. DO NOT let them bully you. I do custom commercial cabinets for a living, and i can tell you that if the job isn't perfect, we are required by law to make it be that way. You should expect no less. If you settle for this shoddy workmanship, everytime that you walk in your kitchen you're going to be disappointed and upset. This is your home, your place of refuge, you deserve this job to be done right. If you have to contact a lawyer, then do so, I would however let the contractor know that when the job is done, all the countertops will match, their will be no cracks in them and that the windows will be 100% functional, and will not leak, and if that you will not settle for anything else. He would not accept this on his own home, he shouldn't expect you to either.