Originally posted by :::OshnSoul:::
I do respect your input and view. Thank you. That is your truth. This is mine. We all have our own beliefs, but I, for one, have had too many first-hand experiences with the Soul that I know intuitively of it being true. I've been consciously aware and in tune with my inner self for almost my whole physical life, that it is impossible to deny, even if I wanted to. It's a natural knowing.
"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience."
Unfortunately, this kind of truth is almost impossible to cogently communicate to other people.
I think it might help if you define things in concrete terms... and to go beyond simply "I know this, so it is true" intuitive reasoning into other kinds of reasoning to explain to us. For instance, define things (like Soul) and give some examples to go along with it. I think I'm lost in your lingo.
Quite frankly, that response leaves me with no leg to stand on. I have no idea what you're telling me and why you believe what you believe. I don't know how to communicate about what you're thinking, because I don't understand where you're coming from.