If you can afford it you might consider a personal trainer to get started. I don't recommend throwing a lot of money at personal training at your level but since you know so little about weight training springing for a few sessions could get you off to a good start. A personal trainer would take the information you have given us plus get more specific data from you and give you dietary guidelines to follow and teach you how to do specific exercises, what machines to use, what order and number of exersizes etc to achieve your specific goals. That could be jump-start to your weight training education then you just work on your own. If you can't go that route then the already mentioned sites are great training resources and I'll add another -davedraper.com. Its done by a former world class body builder but its not just for "muscle-heads". There is a lot inspiration and good all around nutrition information as well. Good luck and have fun!
Thousands of Monkeys, all screaming at once. Pulling God's finger.