Basically, I'm looking for something fairly small (i would probably eventually want to have it tattooed on the back of my shoulder) that basically encorporates me! i know that sounds hard to accomplish seeing as how none of you know me, but i'll try and give some details. if more are needed, just ask:
I'm very independent....although I'm close to my family, I moved out when I was 18 to live with my boyfriend. very hard decision to make, seeing as how i rarely talk with my parents or my brother anymore (religious reasons behind that too.....i left their church) that has made me grow up fast and become quite independent. i don't really know how that be conveyed in a drawing, but if at all possible, i'd love it
as well....i'm very into photography and travel (dunno what you could do with i love my boyfriend very much and so if some element of love could be combined too, that would be awesome.....
haha, that's all i got for now, i'll have to do some more thinking on it.....