you are coming from a somewhat new age perspective i think. first off, you assume that people have souls. which i don't think is entirely provable. just something fun to think about. i agree that this is equally a "fun" topic to think about, but highly metaphorical, if anything (and by metaphorical, i mean that i don't take these as literal truths). dreams are absolutely random firings of the brain, first and foremost. it has nothing to do with mystical things like "soul travel" or whatever you may call it. i think (again, on a metaphorical level) that it is possible to have the same, or similar dreams when one's "soul connection" is strong. but it would be coincidence that we could draw upon to give meaning behind it.
And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
~Anais Nin