Originally posted by MrSelfDestruct
Seems like a delusion of grandeur to me. Ant farm, God's chosen creation, it seems that we invented these things to make ourselves feel more important.
Another common inflated opinion of ourselves is that we have the capability to destroy the world through our own incompetence, rather than just destroying oureselves.
I agree here. While others believe that a great being or alien creator made us, I think that it is illogical. Why would either create a being that is intelligent enough to possibly travel into deep space to uncover the creator? For fun? I believe that we all have a purpose in life, and once it is fulfilled then we are "deleted". (Matrix pun, sorry) So what kind of experiment would last so long, as the earth has? Surely other beings, if they exist, would cease after millions of years, no? Unless immortality is being discussed such as God. But if God is/was using the earth as an experiment, wouldn't he be contradicting himself by not creating a perfect world already? Why would someone perfect create an unperfect world? If an alien being were our creator, why keep the world and humans to continue with massive information consumption and rapid reproduction of our own kind unless to seem some kind of possible reaction? Death maybe?