Originally posted by MahlerIsGod
You should definitely get Age Of Empires II: Conquerors Expansion Pack. It is the last, and best, edition of the game.
I didn't talk about Age Of Mythology, another really good game but not in the same league as as AOE, because it is still probably around $40. You said you were looking for bargain bin games. Still its a game worth investigating. Hope this helps.
Absolutely helps. There are usually any number of used games as well. Occasionally I run across some recent titles, Age of Mythology was one that stuck out in my mind.
Originally posted by messy
Just yesterday I picked up Age of Mythology, which is just as good. I love creating the mythological units and sending them in to beat the crap out of buildings and houses. And it's a Microsoft game, so the controls are similiar to Rise of Nations. You may want to check it out.
Two votes for AoM.
Originally posted by MooseMan3000
I'm not quite sure if this fits or not, but something you might look into is Black and White. This game got lots of mixed reviews, and it IS pretty different than anything I've ever played before (so it's hard to rate it objectively) but I enjoyed it for a while. Some of my friends adored it while others couldn't stand it, and I was somewhere in the middle.
If you haven't heard about it, the idea is that you are a god, and you have to get people to worship you in order to give you power to fight (or ally with) other civilizations and gods. There is a certain degree of micromanagement involved to get good at it, but at first you can basically just let your worshippers do the work. If you can find it cheap, definitely give it a look-see. There are also a few expansions, though I've never played them, so I can't say anything about them.
I hadn't heard of it before...sounds good though and I'll certainly check it out.
Originally posted by shaggyy98
Homeworld and Homeworld2 are both really good. They take place is space, so its on a 3D plane. The only resource gathering is worker ships, tell them to harvest and they go to work. You can send a processor with them and he will deffend them from enemy ships. You have one mothership and build capitol ships to go take care of the enemy. Low graphics requirments too. Original Homeworld can be had for 10$.
I have heard of this one. I had definately planned to snag a copy of this as I had heard good things about it.
Thank you fellows, for all the recommendations. It looks like I'll be very preoccupied for a while.