I'm not quite sure if this fits or not, but something you might look into is Black and White. This game got lots of mixed reviews, and it IS pretty different than anything I've ever played before (so it's hard to rate it objectively) but I enjoyed it for a while. Some of my friends adored it while others couldn't stand it, and I was somewhere in the middle.
If you haven't heard about it, the idea is that you are a god, and you have to get people to worship you in order to give you power to fight (or ally with) other civilizations and gods. There is a certain degree of micromanagement involved to get good at it, but at first you can basically just let your worshippers do the work. If you can find it cheap, definitely give it a look-see. There are also a few expansions, though I've never played them, so I can't say anything about them.