Jobs are jobs! I personally feel that when you look at many things out there... jobs are not always the best place to make new friends. Really depends on how old you are though. I've noticed that workplaces tend to make decent aquaintences, but not the best of friends... as people are always reluctant to be completely honest at a workplace in fear of something be said to someone else. It makes friendships hard there.
Suggestion for meeting new people, find something you are interested in. I know that in my area (Northwest) hiking and mountain climbing are quite good activities to meet people. I've already met several people that eventually became friends through this.
Also, consider taking a class at a community college, although this once again depends on where you live and how old you are. I know even if it's a dumbshit class like Photography 101 or whatever interest you may have, it's lots of times a good place to meet people that may share similar interests and be potentially good friends.