There is a little passive-aggressive undertone to those conversations. Like she wants you to be concerned with her, and she wants you to know that you're powerless to help her. She just wants to know that you care by you being worried:
thats the thing, i dont want to tell u or anyone
im sure u can figure out how i feel right now
Trust issues? It goes beyond simply trust, she's trying to get you to divine what is going on without her telling you. Basically, trying to force you to read between the lines.
I hate that... it has been done to me, and there is no good in it.
You should avoid at all costs in being in a relationship to help save another from her demons. Even if you can help, that puts pressure on you to force the other person to have a good state of well-being - this is not fair; you can only take responsibility for your own well-being and to not doing things to hurt others.
I would tell her that you care about her and that you want her to be happy, but that you cannot, in anyway, read her mind and know how to react unless she specifically starts telling you things.
What I haven't read in this thread is you explaining why you like her. You've mentioned that she has all of these problems, but what makes her someone that you want to be with other than her being depressed which allows you to put a lot of effort into focusing on her. Don't lose yourself in her... never forget that the most important person in your life is yourself, because if you don't take care of yourself, then you can't reach out effectively in a meaningful manner.
You need to talk about trust, and then give her space. It is up to her to decide when to approach you, and while you're waiting you should figure out why you're with this troubled person.
If it is out of pity or guilt only, then you really should move on.