I was fired by AT&T Suncom a few years ago as I refused to skip my lunches and 15minutes breakes. Funny how the shits that asked me to forgo my leisure time never missed their own. I told them what I thought one afternoon after being chastised for not making my daily quota of these bullshit forms...
I was promptly shown the door and later that afternoon, I found my mantra:
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I'd thought I'd come to the end of the road...
Four weeks later, I was employed with a company that became my happy home for 2years. I never looked back.
The point is this: life is a highway with many turns that, often times, you can't see around. You probably won't know where you're going until you're already there. Also, know that things will happen to you for a reason, and everything will work out in the end, even though it may not be as you originally intended.
I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be.
-- Douglas Adams (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)