Seeking good information/sites for someone starting to go to the gym...
Hiya everyone.
I have had 2 gym memberships in the last 3 years (on and off, nothing serious). I'm about to start a 3rd, and am striving for more consistency this time around.
I am a skinny guy (6' 1", 155-160 lbs), and was just wondering if anyone had any good advice or even websites that provided good information about doing things "right"?
I've noticed that when I lifted weights, I wasn't seeing much muscle gain, which was fine, as I am sure the activity was still benefitting me..
I really enjoy doing cardio (as much as that can be enjoyed, heh), but I also want to do some weights, focusing more on my upper body, as my chest "indents" at the sternum.
I'm not sure if that can be addressed via lifting/cardio (it's a cosmetic thing, so I'm not considering surgery), but regardless, I want to start going to the gym again and being active.
This is a pretty open discussion.. Basically, I am starting to go to the gym again. I am not "hardcore," but I would like to get in better shape, and seeing some muscle gain would be nice, but I'm more interested in just being more healthy. If I can put on some muscle, then great; if not, at least all the excersize is doing good elsewhere; or at least that is my take on it.
So anyone that has thoughts/advice/suggestions, whether they be about types of excersizes to do, what to eat, how often to excersize, and what to do to avoid "over-excersizing/working" a particular part of the body, would be great!
Again, I am not looking to be a body builder; I just want to start going to the gym on a regular basis so I can start to improve my health and fitness, and ideally make it something I continue to do throughout my life.
Comments of any nature would be great! I haven't posted in this forum much up until now, but I've spent quite some time lurking here this morning, and there seem to be a lot of highly informed people that take the time to reply and help out.
Thanks and take care.
EDIT: One last thing I just thought of.. Does anyone have additional thoughts or comments on the rep to weight ratio? IE, do you recommend more reps at a lower weight, or less reps with more weight?
"Yes, I rather like this God fellow. He's very theatrical, you know, a pestilence here, a plague there. Omnipotence. Gotta get me some of that." -Stewie
Last edited by Grondar; 05-14-2004 at 08:01 AM..