Originally posted by Coll Storm
My advice to you: Turn off the anger when he does something wrong, and ignore it. Once he understands that he's not getting that "certain" reaction that he can expect from his parents, then all of a sudden he might change his way of thinking.
That's so true.
I have a five year old niece, blonde hair, blue eyes, cute as anything (to those that don't know her) and a holy terror. She and her brother were over at my house a few weeks a back, and she didnt get her way and started to throw a tantrum, a tantrum to end all tantrums. Her brother and I walked into the kitchen and sat at the table and played with lego. Not five minutes later she walks into the dining room, and says, hands on hips, "weren't you watching me?". No, (I'm a very bad auntie) I told her, I wasn't but when she decided to behave again, i'd be happy to watch her again. She was tantrum free for the weekend. When my niece acts out, she gets attention from mom.
Sounds like your son realizes the same thing, and is having a hard time distinguishing between good attention and bad attention.