Originally posted by Jennteel
I am looking for any ideas for creative discipline. My son is going on 9 and I have used every method of discipline I can think of that is legal. He has severe ADHD and takes medication. He goes through operiods of extreme disobediance. It's like he tries to see how much he can upset the family. He gets suspended from school more than the average child. Restriction does not help anymore. We have taken away all his electronics. He has been though counceling and been to a specialist. I am at my end of the rope and would like to hear any ideas of some creative discipline that perhaps might help me out.
I work with a few kids that have ADHD, and to be honest with you... they can't really help it, but they'll use it to their advantage if you let them.
Yes, they have a problem, but once they know that it can become a tool for them to use, they'll use it to their advantage. In other words... if people think they're going to screw up, be off the wall, and cause general chaos & terror... they'll do so, because that's what they think is expected of them.
My advice to you: Turn off the anger when he does something wrong, and ignore it. Once he understands that he's not getting that "certain" reaction that he can expect from his parents, then all of a sudden he might change his way of thinking.
You can take everything in the world away from him, but he's not going to care, because you've probably have done that countless times, and he's used to it. Try a new method... something that he wouldn't expect.