Ok this is a story I had to share....maybe some of you can relate...maybe it might piss some of you off and maybe some of you will agree with me...
Well on Saturday night one of my friends girlfriends had a party at her house. So me and a bunch of friends cruise up there and hang out. Thats when the shit hit the fan. This friend (the friend who's gf who had the party, i'll name him john) Well as soon as I got to the party "john" was there. This guy think he's king shit. He was wearing tattered jeans, spongebob boxers and no shirt. This guy has had a few problem with having "episodes" aka getting drunk and doing dumb shit like picking fights with trees, punching signs and knocking himself out by hitting his head off of the dash of a ford explorer. Right away he is drunk. (he's been drinking all day and fishing so he's nice and soused already) He's where he started to do bad things...first thing he does is doesn't talk to his gf during the being of the party. Then he starts talking to other guys girlfriends and tells them stories to make it look like he is the king shiznit. After that he starts picking on people for no reason like, picking on foreign exchange chick that is german and pushing her around, picking on his friend that has only one eye and ripping on him to beat hell (but he got him back later on). Then last but not least he said in front of his girlfriend "i can't trust anybody even my own girl friend" his gf is cool as hell and if you can't trust her you can trust nobody. Then she started bawling crying, got all depressed and felt like it was her fault. So then my friend is like i can't take shit shit anymore so he pops his trunk and grabs a screwdriver and funnel...he pries the gas cover open and sticks the funnel down his gas filler. And then a total of 4 people peeing about 4 times a piece over the night was fun

It was funny to while everyone was peein in the tank for no reason he kept on bashing his face again the screen door

and he ended up pissing every single person off that night (about 15 people) Well then today he was driving around and it killed on the way back to his gf's....me and my friends also have a grudge against john's dad cause he claims to have a back injury and was in the army so he makes $40k a year doing nothing but yet I have seen him move pianos and throw hail bails. So it's kinda against the whole family thing....I know doing that was a bad thing but everyone felt like he deserved it.