The truth of the matter is that if you try and follow any hard/fast guidelines, you will not be doing your kids justice. What works for one child will probably not work for another child because of a million different factors. I think the one thing that you SHOULD always do is make sure they know you love them. Smother them if they need it, and back off and let them learn if they need it. It is all a matter of teaching them that their judgment is the only thing that will keep them on the right path. As long as your kids know you love them, things usually work out in the end. The problem comes along when a parent thinks that they are showing their kids love by letting them do whatever they want. That isn't loving your kids, that is just being irresponsible. Parents have to be their kids concience to an extent, and have to let them make their own mistakes if they can learn from them.
Xsas, I know your intentions are good, and thanks for trying to help. Luckily, everybody who is a parent was also a son/daughter at one time, and hopefully their parents guided them along properly to realize that they didn't know everything when they were a kid, even though we may have thought we did. I know I sure as heck I though I knew everything back then.
Count me in, bra.