Redjake, I guess I downplayed it a bit, I've been hackin' around for some time. It looks like the GPU or an overheating issue. I can get it going, but not for more than a few minutes.
Also, I've played quite a few titles, but not too much that I can sit down and just jam with for a while. I'm not as active a gamer as I was up until a few years ago. I just don't find the time or the attention span to game very much.
That's why buying a replacement box isn't on the top of my list right now. My xbox was modded, and I probably used it as a Divx player more than anything else (for which is was AMAZING). If i got another one, I would feel like I'm missing out by not modding it, and modding it would be another 30-40 bucks CAD on top of the 200 that they go for these days.
I know it's not much, but if I could get a decent amount of cash for the extras I've got, I'd much rather make a buck than spend one right about now. (However, I've been debating buying another with myself since I realized mine was out of commission).
Lasereth, not very much. as far as games go:
NHL 2k3
Tony Hawk 4
SSX Tricky
Quantum Redshift
and the sega GT/jet set radio future disc that used to come with the xboxes
the games are in great condition, except for ssx and halo which I bought second hand. I'm really anal about treating optical discs with care. SSX and halo are perfectly fine, they've just got a few bumps and whatnot on the dvd case.
As far as extras go, there's 2 controller-s and one big normal one. A memory card, the DVD remote/sensor, the headset for xbox live... and I think that's about it. Unless I think of anything else, in which case I'll let you know.
Redjake, that's what I thought as far as EB and whatnot goes. I'll look into what people are getting for this stuff on ebay. More opinions are welcome
Just a note on the new xbox thing, my little brother has a Gamecube, so I'm thinking just picking up a game I like for that and a memory card should do me fine through the summer. The biggest loss for me is not having the divx player aspect of it.
Last edited by sandeep; 05-12-2004 at 08:36 PM..