You may find that your daughter is, in fact, mature enough to date. If you ask me, it's not a question of an age issue. There are people in the world that should never date if you ask me, they just haven't grown up enough to handle having a significant other.
The issue, I think, for you should be whether or not you believe the people she would date are mature enough.
Having been 13 at one point, I assure you the boys she picks up her age will not be mature enough. If she picks up an older boy.... well that has problems in itself.
I, personally, think that you're well within reason here. If it were my daughter, I would ask her to stay away from dating until at least 16 (I wouldn't want to drive them places).
On the other hand, if she knows you had her when you were 16 some of that might have altered her thinking more than you may know.
bah, I'm just rambling now.... anyway, good luck.
Samurai in Training
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