Re: When is old enough?
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Jennteel
[B When I was 13 I was having sex already and had her when I was 16. I do not want this road for her.
Wow your story sounds like my life. I was also having sex at 13 and had my daughter when I was 16. She hasn't yet gotten interested in boys but she is only 9. So, I am sure that day is coming soon. I really don't know what to tell you. Be honest with her and be open with her about sex and the consequences. The boy being black hmm......I don't know about that either I don't know that it would bother me that much but I know my husband and my parents would flip if my daughter was interested in someone of another race. I would ask her what she thinks being someone's girlfriend mean? See what she says to that. Is the boy already sexual active? Does she want to go palces with this boy? And if so do they want to go alone? There are alot of questions I would be asking. I would just talk to her and be open. But you are right I think she is to young to have a boyfrined.