The point is that in a democracy you have the RIGHT to voice your opinion. A big point, many should listen to, is that you also have a RESPONSIBILITY to allow others to voice their rights.
On the subject of debates not changing views. I always classed myself as a fan of "new labour" and what it stands for. However it took a speech from a man known as Alan Simpson MP (If your interested he's a 'traditional' labour MP with Nottingham South as his constituency). He spoke to me alot of home truths and it caused me to actually look at the world I live in and changed alot of my views.
So where am I now? I'd place myself as a traditional Socialist. I believe we all have a duty to help each other. No one should have a right to exploit others for their own capital gain. The worlds wealth should be in the hands of the many as opposed to the few and rich people do not automatically imply the need for people to live in poverty.
Anyway just a few points from my head.