Originally posted by Jennteel
Oh and she has recently tried to use a tampon and she cried because it hurt. I told her thats what sex feels like.
I don't think it's a good idea in the long run to lie to her. She's gonna figure out that putting a tampon in and sex are two totally different feelings. You need to be honest with her and explain that sex is something shared with people she really cares about and she always needs to protect herself.
My mom was the kind of woman who was completely honest with me, so when I thought I was ready to have sex with my boyfriend (I was 16, I'm 18 now), I told her and we went and got me on the shot. I had a neighbor who kept hearing, "Don't have sex, don't have sex." But was never taught the consequences and she wound up pregnant at 15. She had the baby and gave it up for adoption. She'll be 17 next week. To me, that's a lot worse than getting your kid on birth control and buying her some condoms.