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Old 05-07-2004, 10:10 PM   #1 (permalink)
Location: St. Paul
Blowing your...nose

This will probably sound pretty stupid, but have you ever noticed the similarities between sneezing and ejaculating? Bear with me here:

When you are going to sneeze, you often realize maybe 5 to 10 seconds ahead of time. You know it is coming, you feel the pressure quickly building, and it actually feels kind of nice. About a second til blast off, it is right around the corner, and you can try to delay it if you are skilled (tantric sneezing?) Then the moment of zen - the audible "ahhhHHHH!" as you inhale, only to ejaculate mucus a fraction of a second later. There is a mess everywhere (unless you were using a kleenex); you catch your breath. Then you think, 'man, that finished pretty quickly.'

Very sexual, isn't it?

Now I shall sleep, wake up in 5 and a half hours, and take my last final exam of this year.
'Charmant, respektlos, und immer betrunken.'
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