Originally posted by Magpie0001
I agree with your first point, we can agree to disagree.
Your fighting force is composed of individuals, Is'nt it? Theyre still individuals arent they?
Why isnt one of the objectives to spill no blood? Why is killing people accepted?
Governments spend billions on anti-drugs campaigns, cancer research, homeless shelters etc to save people & then spend many many times more go overseas & slaughter foreigners?
I figure was is the responsability of everyone frontlines or not.
If you take a gun point it & shoot someone why are you not responsable?
If you order people to drop bombs on a city why are you not responsable?
Tell your kids that guns are bad, Zero tolerance in your schools schold them for violent behaviour & when they grow up congratulate them for going overseas & killing other humans. What the fuck is a war hero anyway?
Shot a stranger in the face? Give this boy a medal!
I know its an unpopular opinion but im entitled to it.
I just want to ask you one question.. if someone had a gun pointed at you and was going to shoot you what would you do?? Hopefully you would defend yourself. In the case of war, there are laws and there is punishment if those laws are broken. Is the killing justified?? That's up to you to decide. Take Hitler for example, he had his men kill people just because they were different. He wanted to eradicate the entire race of Jews. He killed millions of people. Now look at this war in particular. We didn't go in and just kill everything that moved. You can't honestly say that we did. We killed enemy soldiers. Yes some civilians were killed. While that is sad, it is a fact of war. I would dare say that even though some were killed, they knew that it was for the best since the Iraqi people would be free from Saddam's reign. There's more to being a war hero than killing someone. A person could be a war hero for saving some fellow troops and never fire a single bullet. You're right you are entitled to your opinion.. I wouldn't take that right from you but this is mine and I'll be happy to debate it in a civilized manner