When is old enough?
I need some advice from other parents out there. My daughter is 13 and we are now going through the "wanting a boyfriend" stage. She is pretty independant and mature but I am so not comfy with this idea. I have told her NO and as far as I can tell she has respected that. She does not like it and at times will cry about it. We argue because she does not see my point. When I was 13 I was having sex already and had her when I was 16. I do not want this road for her. She says she is not into sexual things and I do believe her. But all children get curious at one point or another. I told her I would think about it, but I don't think my feelings will change. I do not want to open the door to new emotions for her. But I also don't want to be an uptight mom that always says no to everything. She really likes one boy in particluar. He was a problem boy in the neighborhood but has been straightening up. The other issue I have is he is not white and I am not sure that I feel comfy with intermixed relationships with such young people. I don't mean to offend anyone by saying that, I'm just not sure how to feel right now. Any advice is much appreciated.