Right now we live in an extremely undemocratic one party state with 2 factions of the same business party: the Democrats and the Republicans. In my view, elections are essentially bought and paid for by corporations with the public picking which corporate troll's personality they like best. If we're going to ever end this perpetuating loop we need true election reform like instant runoff voting, proportional representation, and publicly financed elections. The fact that these reforms aren't already laws should tell you something about what most R's and the D's think of democracy. I'm voting Nader* because he supports these types of reforms along with most every other common sense reform I can think of. Nader is also the only candidate who wants to end this blasted occupation in Iraq that has already wasted $155 billion+ tax dollars. Kerry and Bush are virtually identical when it comes to Iraq. If you get a chance, listen to Nader speak. He talks like no other politician you've ever heard and he doesn't skirt the issues.
* note: I live in CA meaning a non-swing state. If I lived in a swing state I would might consider voting for the lesser troll (in this election).