It's possible that it was meant as a literal sacrifice. But here's another idea that I don't think anyone has touched on. The crucifixion could also be seen as a validation of God's power and of the promise of salvation. Here's this idea that there's a heaven, but God needs a way to tell us about it and show us that it's a real place. Enter Jesus. Would the message have been received as well, would it have been as powerful of a message, if Jesus hadn't died? The fact that it was such brutal, public death, was to show that there were no tricks involved. Jesus did not quietly die in his sleep and then arise three days later. He was tortured.
After seeing the Passion a lot of things that I'd never considered made a lot of sense. As a child all you really see of the crucifixion is the icon of Jesus on the cross, all serene. But after seeing the movie, sounds strange to say that, you get some perspective on what it may have been like. The beatings, the scourging, the crucifixion, all of these were permanent, debilitating wounds. That was the point. God/Jesus wanted there to be no question of his resurrection. Before he died Jesus would have been a ragged bloody mess, and probably would have died even without being crucified. If you've seen the movie you defiantly know what I'm talking about. When he arose three days later, there's no way that he could have not been resurrected. There would have been no way to hide the massive wounds he'd sustained. He wouldn't have been able to walk. So the physical reason for the crucifixion was for evidence of God's power and to show that Jesus had been telling the truth about it all.
Also, here's something else. Jesus had told the temple priests that he would destroy the temple and build it again in three days. This is a very important thing, because Jesus wasn't talking about the priest's temple at all. He was talking about his body. He's telling everyone out loud what he's about to do. He's making a promise. The Jews/Romans didn't kill Jesus. He did it to himself. He knew what was going to happen and arranged things for it all to happen. The people who beat and killed him, were doing God's work. Yeah that's a really crappy thing to do to someone, but I don't think they had a choice. It had to happen that way.
I'll admit that I'm pretty new to all of this. But for some reason these things are starting to make sense to me, and I used to be a devote atheist. So stick that in your pipe and smoke it.
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