05-04-2004, 07:23 PM
#12 (permalink)
Purple Monkey Dishwasher
Location: CFB Gagetown, NB, CANADA
I've put my methods up in this and this thread - have one now, but it isn't visible due to my way of taking care of it
ok I consider myself an expert on this subject. I have had coldsores all my life, usually I will get 1 during times of stress, such as the start of a school year.
You will never 'get rid' of them - they are the result of the Herpes Simplex virus that you received from your mommy while in the womb. Consider it your very first birthday gift
you CAN treat them symptomatically though, and I believe I have found the perfect way to do so!!!!
You need 3 things: isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol), lipactin (or some other product that forms a film-like seal over the sore), and polysporin (or any antibiotic ointment).
As soon as you feel the tingling sensation and you think you might be getting a cold sore, grab that bottle of rubbing alcohol. cover the opening with a finger, turn bottle over, and dab the finger over the spot. DO NOT RUB, just dab it in one spot. Let it dry for 10 seconds or so, then apply more alcohol. Do this like 5-10 times. Then, put the lipactin on. Let it stay for an hour or so. try not to smile or the seal will break and the stuff will peel off.
After an hour, go to a mirror and peel the lipactin off, and do the rubbing alcohol thing again. Put more lipactin on. Keep repeating until the cold sore is 'dead'... that means no more 'bubbles' and no more tingling. At this point, put polysporin over the sore. Looks silly, so good to do this over night. If you roll in your sleep alot, cover the polysporin with a bandaid so it doesn't rub off.
Here is the timeline I have my coldsore removal down to:
first day, afternoon maybe: Noticing tingling sensation, start doing rubbing alcohol and lipactin.
next day, morning: sore may be 'dead' already so start with polysporin to speed healing, otherwise, keep at it with rubbing alcohol.
nighttime: cold sore is definately and always dead by this time, sleep with a big wad of polysporin over it.
Next morning: sore is barely noticable... keep doing polysporin inconspicuously until it's completely healed.
NOte: if you do the polysporin while sore is still 'alive', it will spread through the area the ointment is covering. This is bad.
I have this down to a science now. Whereas once I had to walk around with those big ugly sores for several days (was hell as a kid in grade school), now I have them barely noticeable in the first place, from the alcohol stopping growth, and then healing very very fast from the polysporin.
Hope this helps
"If you're not weird, you're not interesting".
I'm very interesting ...
seizei; (adv - Japanese) at the most; at best; to the utmost; as much (far) as possible. (pronounced - say-zay)