I'm not clear what you're problem is here. You read your g/f diary, found out that she cheated on you. She says she won't do it again, you believe her for some reason. And still decide that what you love her enough to forgive, forgett? So you're problem is that you can't trust her and you just want things to go back to how they were. Isn't going to happen, but common now bud you feel sick to your stomac because a girl cheated on you? I mean its great to be that attached and think that she's the most important thing in the world, but just spend an hour trying to think things out from a third person view, draw your conclusions as unemotional as possible they'll be the right ones. She's only a little part of your life time heals all wounds. So just enjoy the ride (philisophical) while you can.
Proud memeber of the Insomniac Club.