I don't buy into that quote. I think that in a democratic society, people still need to think as one cohesive unit. In American democracy especially. Our society is different from most other democracies because we put more emphasis on one single solution/ultimatum/answer. If your society as a whole decides to go in a direction that you do not really support, it's still your job to follow in that direction unless you can get that direction changed through a vote.
The military is not full of non thinking pawns. This is the way our society runs and they are following the principles of our excellent system and even defending them. While you may not agree with some of our military objectives, please do not criticise the troops doing the tasks, as they are taking the greatest risks of all. Maybe these risks aren't to support your personal ideals, but they still support a vast portion of American's. They are serving your brothers and sisters in this country.... so step off!!