It is hard to really decide if cheating is justifable. Let me take that back, it is never justified. The question is this. Are you comfortable with being with her after this as well as, is she faithful enough to take this relationship anywhere? I don't know if I could ever be with someone that cheated on me. There might be a FEW a SELECT FEW places where I could forgive her. So this is really a question of trust. If you can trust her and she can be just yours for the rest of the relationship then she's worth it. She may have just done it to do it, but personally I think that's bullshit.
I will give you this. If you think you can trust her, you can go for it. I myself would probably not, depending on how much I really loved the woman. This choice is yours. No one here can answer it for you, as we are not in your position. I will say this though, if you do infact trust her, still set yourself up for another event like this. Every bit of trust has a bit of doubt in it.
Fetch me the spirit, the son and the father,
Tell them their pillar of faith has ascended.