No, that totally fits here and I do get what you are saying. That is correct. If one person believes that there is evil and bad- that they will produce a method of judgement, comparison, and evensometimes ridicule or even hatred to that which is "evil" or "bad". This
can turn into a whole other subject, but I will try to stay on topic here.
But once you've heard or read something, you choose to beleive it or not. If you believe in it strongly enough, it will become your Truth- i.e. your reality- and that is the way you will perceive it. That is, unless, some other source tells you something else that contradicts or claims the opposite. You can then choose to beleive that or not to. People's opinions and thoughts on issues and ideas change all of the time- Individually and as a majority of the whole. And one country could have one belief system, while another has a completely different one. So how can we truly tell- or for that matter KNOW what is evil or bad?
So, to clarify what I am saying, on an individual level, take your beliefs and know them. If you feel strongly and passionately about them, cool. That is your personal Truth in which you live by, therefore making it your reality.
The phrase I posted was meant to say that we all are different, we all have different beliefs- and to stop searching for that ONE TRUTH, but instead follow your feelings, your passion- and that is
your Truth. And that Truth is yours, and it is okay. That is Who You Are. BE Who You Are. That defines You. Because, afterall you are One of a Kind.
Now, some people may beleive that they are cursed, some people beleive that they are no good, some people feel that there is no joy in life. That is a beleif that they have held onto, planted in their head, and those thoughts manifested in their everyday life, making it their reality. It's what they perceive and what they experience. That's their Truth. But that truth can change if they choose to change it. We have so many options, so many paths we can take, so many experiences we can have, all depending on what we believe and perceive.
Now, again with the thought of their being things that are not "of God", then that is what you create in your reality. This life is a stage, we're the directors, we create the scenes with our thoughts. I do not see anything outside of "God", yet I see an infinite number of choices that can be made, and depending on those choices, it will lead you to some sort of outcome of the choice you make. It's all fair play, because we have the free will to make any choice we wish, and to beleive anything we want.
I will end it here for now, because I don't want to steer this off track. But I enjoyed what you said. If I feel the need to elaborate later, I will.