I am on the other side of this.
I am a girl.I spent eight years being the depressed,fat,bored,ugly,boring,housewife mom.
One day it was just over. I packed up and left with nothing.I had never known anything but the life that I made with him.
Its been almost two years.I'm now 24.
And I will say.. the past two years have given me the chance that I needed to reclaim myself as human and as independent.
I am once again me.
One you get over the inital shock of the situation you will be able to move swiftly from it.
Go back to school
Get healthy,be fit,read,watch,go.Do something!
The world is your playground. It is sad to play alone but take your healing time and get to know yourself.The time that you will have to yourself will give you the space that you need to see things clearly and to get back in touch with the long lost you..
Where are you going,what will you do there? What will you see?
No one knows. But you will survive,and someday.. someone else will come along and the ex wife will pale in comparision.
Things that have been so far gone to you will be at your fingertips,You will have them,and it will feel fucking amazing.
Remember all of the things that you used to wonder about.... you know... the daydreams that filled your head once...They are yours to be had now. You are all your own and you will be the better for it.You now for the first time in eight years have the chance to put yourself first..
And well no offense.... but I never liked your wife anyway. : X.
Honey,We're home.
Last edited by SixEdxMia; 05-01-2004 at 08:38 AM..