Hell yeah!

Disc golf (though I usually call it 'frisbee golf' or 'frolf') kicks a lot of ass. I go out and play almost every day that I can, as long as the weather is cooperating. I've been playing since mid high school, so it's been about 5 years now. I live in Fort Collins, Colorado, home of Colorado State University, and there is beginning to be a pretty large following for it here. This is mostly because there is a 7 hole course right in the middle of campus. It used to be 18 way back in the day, was 9 for a long time, and then got reshrunk because of pedestrians getting hit by frisbees.

Go figure. We do have a few other courses in town though, all of which are free, and one of which is used for nationally known tournaments.
I just love playing frolf because it's: fun and relaxing, gets you outside, you can bring your dog, you meet new people, it's fun to play while high, it's free, can help you get a summer tan, can be played barefoot, and a whole lot of other reasons that are too numerous to mention here.