Originally posted by boatin
Why do people ask this? Did you not get any sense of what drives the man during the 8 years he was in office? Attention, power, desire to influence, etc. Plus, he's young! If he got out of office at 75, he might be behaving differently.
And why does Dole not go quietly into the night? Isn't it the same?
Clinton will never go quietly anywhere - he would probably prefer to be preceded by "Hail to the Chief" before entering the bathroom. I know Bob Dole personally. He's really a great guy but he too has a bit of the "hey look at me" still going. This will probably last until they close the box and cover it with dirt. We create these people by the heights we allow them to rise to in politics and few if any ever go quietly into the night. Bob Dole's personna has been enhanced through the years by TV using him for various things and they still are giving him constant exposure. The prominence that his wife has achieved also keeos him in the spotlight. Between the two (Clinton/Dole) Bob has a much better taste in women.
Life isn't always a bowl of cherries, sometimes it's more like a jar of Jalapenos --- what you say or do today might burn your ass tomorrow!!!