Originally posted by asaris
Just, for those who might possibly care, my position is that it could be imminent. We just don't know one way or the other. It's just as false to say "Well, it hasn't happened for 2000 years, so it won't happen any time soon" as to say "Well, it's been 2000 years, so it's gotta be coming soon."
also agreed, I just think that things such as what's presented on 700 Club etc are dangerous embellishments of the fact.
Regarding Revelations, I have heard more than once (but not looked into it to any significant degree) speculation that it is more of a cryptic book referencing the Roman Empire. Considering it was written at a time when Christianity was persecuted, that's very possible, and in which case, it would not be a book necesasrily about the "end times" at all.