Originally posted by cj22009
For the first time in 8 years im going to be alone. Let me explain three weeks ago my wife came home and said she wanted a divorce. I knew it was coming probably has been for two or so years. So last tuesday we talked and decided the best thing for us was a divorce. We have 2 kids dog cat bla bla but I can't get over how weird its going to be own my own again. Its just a scary feeling. I dont have any real close friends anymore married life kinda made me drift apart from that all I do around here is lurk most of the time and post every now and then I just had to vent get some of this off my chest I havent really talked to anybody about it.
My advice to you would be to keep your head up and your shoulders squared back, pal.
Sure it's scary to be thrust back into the singles' life after having been married for so long, but you can survive it.
It must be tough not having any real close friends to talk to about this, but don't you have any siblings or cousins you're close enough to that you could talk this over with? There has got to be someone in whom you can trust and to whom you can go vent.
As for your post-divorce life, I wouldn't sweat it too much if I were you. Start going to the gym.... Pick up a hobby (gardening, carpentry, etc.)... take Karate lessons.... learn to play the guitar or piano... just get out there and
do something. The more you keep yourself busy with other activities the less this whole divorce thing will eat you up inside and the sooner you'll be on the road back to enjoying a healthy enjoyeable life.