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Old 04-28-2004, 04:58 AM   #27 (permalink)
She's Actual Size
CinnamonGirl's Avatar
Location: Central Republic of Where-in-the-Hell
Hmmm...I'm either a mountain goat or a horse, but I may also be...a mouse.

I actually kind of like the mouse description:

Physically small and emotionally timid, mice personalities adopt a typically rodent pattern of self-reliance in order to survive. Their canny minds have long since learned that the only free cheese is to be found in a mousetrap and they wouldn't dream of depending on others for support. This independence is quite understandable, given that they get so little respect from others.

There can never be enough money in the mouse's' bank account. Like their rodent cousins the packrats, mice are manic about hoarding their resources and planning for the future. If anyone were to look inside a mouse's garage they'd be struck by the mountains of old newspapers, boxes, and broken tools piled to the ceiling. These objects represent security and peace of mind for the mouse, and parting with them would be like separating from a lover. Consequently, they are often seen scurrying around swap meets and garage sales, eagerly adding to their collection.

Physically small and emotionally timid, mice are unassuming and plain. As youngsters, they were endearingly cute, although in their later years, their smallish features fail to mature with the rest of their body. As it ages, it'll probably evolve into a mousy haired elder going quietly about his or her business. Their work environments are always neat and well organized and they take great care to ensure that things are always in their correct place. They are creatures of habit and need schedules and routines to make them feel in control, but with their small personalities, find it difficult to compete in the commercial sector. Consequently, mice almost never own their own businesses, relying instead on the abilities of larger animal personalities to lead the way.

It's easy to dismiss all mice as milquetoast, but every now and then an argumentative individual will proves just the opposite. And an enraged mouse is quite a sight. Sure, it doesn't trigger the same threat level as a charging rhino, but you have to respect it for trying. Although it might be quivering with fury, even an angry mouse cannot conceal its innate gentility. Its eyes seem to be smiling even at the height of its anger and it's so damn cute that you just want to pick it up and tickle it. "
"...for though she was ordinary, she possessed health, wit, courage, charm, and cheerfulness. But because she was not beautiful, no one ever seemed to notice these other qualities, which is so often the way of the world."

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"
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