I was a DM for an online MUD a few years back and met some of the best friends i've every had accross the US in the 4 years I played/worked it.
I had relationships with two women due to that am still involved with one some 4 years later having moved in together three years ago.
Before that my GF in HS was a year older and went abroad for a year to school while I finished up HS.
In situations like these it takes participation from both parties. You have to make it a priority. The old addage "out of sight out of mind" plays a big factor. It takes alot of work to make one work.
You can't love her enough for the both of you. I hate to say it but it seems to me the tides have changed and she doesn't feel that type of relationship is what she wants. While she may have had feelings for you they weren't as strong as yours for her. I also think that in wanting something too much you usually have a habit of pushing it away (ie the constant calls/messages). Leave an open ended message on her machine to put the ball in her court and move on. Who's to say you can't still communicate everyonce and awhile and something may happen 6months a year down the road?
It sounds to me like this is a first love type of deal in which case your desperation is understandable.
You got to get over it bro and learn from this experience. After all I don't know your age but I know there will be plenty of opportunities out there to find the one for you beit online or IRL.