Drama, kind of. Somthign that's been bothering me...
Just want to get this off my chest, it may be long winded.
Couple of weeks ago a girl that my and a few of my buddies know, that goes to lunch with us, and hangs out with us, almos tlike one of the guys, she broke up with her boyfriend. 2-3 days later, I ask her if she's going to try and make it work, and she said no, she was already intrested in someone else. Now, she's very easy to read, her emoitions, body language, things like that, it was no suprise to me she had it for my best friend.
She asked me what I thought about it, I just told her maybe she needs to be alone for a while, and realize some of her responsibilities. She has 3 kids, from 2 different fathers. Been married once. She goes out on the weekends, her ex-boyfriend lives with her, and watches his and her kid, and her other 2 kids. She was over at my best friends house till 7am with 3 kids at home, and her ex-boyfriend..
Every night that we do somthing, she's there. Her ex-boyfriend is at home watching her kids. We went bowling saturday, same thing. I invited a few buddies over to watch the fight on Saturday night just this last weekend, and she just shows up at my house. My best friend and her got all cuddly and touchy feely on the couch. My wife said she didn't appreciate it, and she thought it was wrong she has 3 kids at home, and that she's acting like that, with her ex-boyfriend watching her kids.
I asked him if he wanted to go lift on monday at the gym, we went. She showed up, we never lifted. They went swimming, I did my own thing.
I guess I just feel alienated by the whole thing, and now I'm on the outside looking in. It's odd, and all of us being such good friends, it's wierded me out a little.
I'm more just worried about what happens if somthing goes wrong, and the other 2 or 3 of us are put in the middle. Almost like being asked to choose sides. I just think she needs to grow up ,and realize her reponsibilites, instead of relying on her ex-boyfriend to do these things for her, while shes out trying to get it on with another guy. I do have a problem with that.
Maybe I'm just over analyzing things, or almost a little jelousy, but I'm happy for them, as long as they are. I just don't think she's even made one rational thought about the downside of the whole thing.
I don't know what to think? Or to say. I almost feel liek I should just seperate myself, so when it does come crashing down, I'm not in the middle.
Last edited by Kurant; 04-27-2004 at 08:26 PM..