Originally posted by silent_jay
I highly doubt hockey is viewed as a "marginal sport", and if these people are non-fans or outsoders then does their opinion on the sport really matter? I think not. They obviously have no knowledge of what they are watching so they are forming a bad opinion because they can't understand what they are watching.
I agree the refs need to be held responsible, but does the NHL have the balls to see to this? I doubt it.
Wake up man. The people you are insulting, those attempting to get into hockey for the first time, are the very people the NHL desperately needs to win over to remain viable. And if they can't understand the game for a legitimate reason, such as inconsistent penalty calling, then the blame does not lie on them. I sure as hell am glad that when I was 6 and was starting to get interested in hockey, I didn't run into that attitude everytime I didn't understand something.
And I didn't say hockey was viewed as marginal, I said NHL hockey is viewed as marginal. Europeans are starting to look away from the NHL and concentrate on regional play, and the Russians are looking into starting up a national league to compete with the NHL, and have been trying to lure their players back for years now. Not to mention the WHL idea of Hull's, who is looking to strike while the iron is hot when the CBA expires.
And no, as long as Bettman is around, the NHL head office will never have any balls, for this or any other issue.