Originally posted by sixate
First of all, Dole is so fucking dumb he's still calling Clinton the president.
frenik is right. Ford, Carter, etc. are all "President" out repect for the position. It's going to make it confusing after Bush is out of the office at family reunions. Unless we all get to use "41" and "43".
Second, reality TV is not a problem. TV isn't a problem period. I bet you couldn't find someone who watched more killing and fucking on TV than me while I was growing up. I never did drugs and I never got in trouble, and that fact remains even now that I'm 26.
As usual, I completely agree with sixate.
Why is it that all these liberals want to blame Hollywood for kids problems?
My experience has been that this is a bigger issue for the Republicans than the Democrats. That's why Dole started the conversation. Clinton did all the "v" chip crap, because he was so adept at stealing the Republicans issues and making them his own. He
was Slick W illie, you know.
I imagine Hollywood will stop giving Democrats money when the Kenneth Lays of the world stop giving money to the Republicans.